The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has cited indoor air pollution as one of the top five growing concerns in our country today and reports that indoor air can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. There are 3 main types of pollutants in our air- gases, microbial, and particulates and every individual inhales over 3500 gallons each day. Modern air purifiers and UV Germicidal lights can improve your health and safety by eliminating molds, bacteria and germs from source and recirculated air, keeping your entire home cleaner and healthier.
An air purifier is installed into the ductwork of your air conditioning and heating system and has the proactive ability to kill germs and reduce odors in a conditioned space. Every time your fan blows air it carries the purifying power out into the conditioned space where they begin to attack the Bacteria, Virus, Mold Spores at the source, significantly reducing the amount of unclean air delivered into your home.
A UV Germicidal light is installed into the ductwork or furnace of your air conditioning and heating system and radiates rays from an ultraviolet lamp that break up the structure of microorganisms like mold and bacteria. The use of UV light disinfection has been around for generations in sterile environments such as hospitals and food processing industries.
The installation of a UV Germicidal lamp to your home air conditioning system will keep the coil on your air conditioning unit free of microbial growth and bacteria, and significantly reduce your family’s risk of illnesses and allergies.
Call us today at Advantech Air to inquire about how we can help you ensure that your indoor air quality in your home or business is the best that it can be.